We decided to dedicate the workshops in October to the topic of intercultural dialogue. This time we decided to divide the activities into two workshops – Introductory workshop and workshop Circus.

Introductory workshop lasted two days and it was held in the Residency Kamov, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Križanićeva Street 6a.

Natali Bosić was the leader of the workshop based on her recent experience on two international workshops in Spain and Serbia.

We decided on this topic because of the current events in Europe with the arrival of immigrants and refugees from Syria, which have a great impact on our country. These workshops do not deal with the political issues, but the problem in a way that children become aware the existence of other cultures, religions, opinions and choices and teach them how to approach them with respect.

In two days of workshops children became more aware of their behavior and actions through various theatrical techniques aware, some of which they usually condemned. They learned about other cultures and how they differ from ours.

On the first day, we had activities that helped us in the diagnosis of discrimination. The children were first talking about what is culture and what makes a culture. From that, they could then conclude that the lack of understanding and tolerance towards diversity springs discrimination. These issues were then discussed, and two groups chose one that they wanted to interpret with image display technique and movement.

On the second day children learned about street performance. We used what they learned the first day, so for their street performance they had to choose a topic / problem about which they would like to raise awareness in their fellow citizens, or the message they want to send. One group decided on the topic of exclusion of individuals from the group because they are different / for example nerd / and the second group for the message that we need to learn from one another by demonstration of using a variety of languages.

At the end of the second day with the children, we discussed the possibility of starting communicate with other group / project with similar interests from abroad. To start this new activity and communication kids did a quick video call, which we will publish on our official website.

Number of participants: 10
Location: MMSU premises, Križanićeva 6A

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